Friday, 26 April 2024
17 Shawwal 1445


Surcharge Procedure
Surcharge is a method for the government to recover all losses made by the government caused by an officer for the following reasons:
  1. failure to collect any monies owing;
  2. improper payment of monies;
  3. loss, deficiency or destruction of government property;
  4. failure to keep proper records; and / or
  5. failure or delay in making payment due.

  • Regulation 51 of the Public Officers (Conduct and Discipline) Regulations 1993 [P.U.(A)395/1993]
  • Section 18, Financial Procedure Act 1957

Surcharge Procedure 395 Chart available only in Malays

    • Pn. Mawarni binti Sazali
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    • Cik Asleen binti Abdul Rashid
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